Saturday, September 9, 2017


No Preaching, Just the Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God… …and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”   John 
I believe the Bible, God guys not so much.

I believe the Bible is filled with legend, allegory and myth. Those are beautiful things, and they don’t make the Bible a pack of lies. These methods of telling stories, of giving account of ourselves, are the cradles of our most original ideas and cherished truths. That’s what I believe.
I believe in the Truth of the Bible. I believe the Bible’s account of the Kingdom of David, the Divided Kingdom and the Babylonian exile. 
I believe Jesus established not a political kingdom as his forefather David did, but a spiritual realm that doesn’t know borders. He doesn’t call for the order of law. He calls for the harmony of love.
I believe it's time for a new approach to the Bible and the human story it tells.

I believe it's time to forget everything we've been told about the Bible, and to restore the Word to its Historical contexts.

I believe that no other collection of literature has influenced We The People more than the Bible, and that without a better understanding of it, we can't even pretend we're striving toward our declared ideal that all men are created equal.

Is Heirs of Abraham For You?

It is if anyone has ever told you that the Bible is:
  • pure God-breathed fact.
  • pure fiction.
  • responsible for all the evil in the world.
  • responsible for all the good in the world.
  • You're pretty sure that the vast majority of those anyones really don't know what they're talking about, or you're afraid some of those anyones know exactly what they're talking about. (psst...If you're afraid, you're doing it wrong)
OR Better yet:
  • You ever just wondered what the Bible is all about but couldn't see yourself reading the whole thing.
  • You have read it (or tried to), but you just don't get it. 
  • You're not afraid to learn, but you want to keep the conversation semi casual and on this planet. 

Who Am I?
You should know that the only paper I have to show that I know what I’m talking about is a BA in History from Freed Hardeman University, ten years teaching experience, and a lapsed license to teach secondary Special Ed and History in Tennessee.

I'm still a teacher, and this is me freelancing.

I’m a recovering god guy who’s read the Bible at least three times.

In addition to that, I've lead two cover to cover Bible class studies and numerous class studies on individual books and themes.

My understanding of the Bible is reinforced and fortified by a still evolving understanding of Ancient History, Western Mythology, and Western Culture.

Lately, I have been delving deeply into Memphis's experiences during the Civil War and Reconstruction, and into the racial injustices that have plagued Memphis and our nation since then.

What better setting than the buckle of the Bible Belt to compare and contrast what the Bible does say, to the ways we've made it say what we want it to say?

I'm guilty as charged, but I'm really tired of being angry all the time.

Caveats: or, I Guess You Can Call Me A Philosopher of History*

I'm not Jesus, and I don't hold conversations with Him.

God isn't making me do this.

God granted me a gift for Historical and Social insight, and He wants me to listen to Jesus. That's part of what the Bible does say.

I think Jesus would like it if I told His story and the story of His family to as many people as I can.

Although I strive for social and political accuracy, the "Heirs of Abraham" is the story the Bible tells, as if it's true, but let's not call it History. Heirs is a series of short Social Studies lessons in story form that examine a people who have a habit of forgetting who they are.

My goal is to sort it all out and explain it in a way that any student can understand.

Now, where to start... I know Genesis 1-2:4

Next Time: Seven Days in Reverse 
Peace Out Y’all.

*I'm not sure that's a thing academics say, but I'm not an academic.


  1. This should be interesting. Can we offer comments? Can we agree to disagree at times?

    1. I would love for y'all to do just that. Thanks for being the apartment's first guest!
