Saturday, September 23, 2017

Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah

If you don't read the video, the rest of the post won't make a lot of sense, so enjoy.

Why would God set him up that way? Why would God plant temptation in His own garden just so He could tell the man not to give into it? If that isn't diabolical, what is?

I don't want to answer those questions. I want to make them go away so they can be replaced by more constructive questions, so let's see if we can fold the myth into the real world:

There was a people. For some reason God chose them over all the other peoples settled in and around the Fertile Crescent in that time when mist cloaked their World. Perhaps He chose them because of all the peoples in the world, the Awdawm chose Him back.

The Awdawm, their name means ruddy (reddish). They survived as a people at least until that fuzzy transition between the Near East's Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Men in other places were teaching themselves to work with copper and the Awdawm were on the cutting edge of the Neolithic Age’s final agricultural achievement.
They cultivated fruit; figs certainly, and probably olives, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they grew dates and grapes as well. Their garden was a work of their collective genius, and it must have been very old.

The best they could remember was that God planted the orchard, created the Awdawm from the dust of the Earth, and then led them to it. God told them to be fruitful and multiply and to subdue and rule over the land.

My money says that the original community came from the vicinity of the Nile, where Osiris, Isis and Set were still just brothers and sister; but this isn’t their love story.

The Awdawm had language. They gave names to the animals that lived in and around the garden. They also named themselves Awdawm and each of them had a name, Awdawm. They dwelt in a garden in a delicate state of harmony and pleasure; one body one spirit One YHWH Eloheem.

Like all languages, theirs evolved over many generations. Don't ask me how many generations (it could have been one, it could have been a hundred) it took before the Adawm discovered a key mystery to their existence and sparked a leap forward not only in the evolution of their language, but their society as well.
The Awdawm certainly knew that baby Awdawm came out of the subtly curved Awdawm, those with hidden springs in their bellies. What they, those Awdawm who sported members, may not have realized at first was how the baby Awdawm got there. God certainly had something to do with it.

Don't ask me how many generations of the subtly shaped Awdawm knew of the mystery before the membered Awdawm figured out the connection between the games they played, and the secret to baby making. 

You might think it laughable that the Awdawm with members didn't know something that simple, but once the Awdawm made the connection, it changed everything.

The Awdawm needed two new words, ish meaning he, and ishah meaning she; they were man and woman, Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah.

Awdawm-ish suddenly had a vested interest in the children Awdawm-ishah bore. Just as he was created in God's image, his children were procreated in his image. His children would be his own flesh and blood. They were his legacy, his future (the new words were piling up) but still, for a time, Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah were both Awdawm.
They were, to each other, as equal as man and woman can be, think boyFRIEND.- girlFRIEND.

I don't think we have to dwell too long on the erotic imagery of a "rib" coming out of the man and going into the woman, but double entendre aside, Adawm-ish marries Awdawm-ishah by calling her bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. This image of two becoming one flesh is at the core of Biblical sexuality.
Such a lovey sentence.

“And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” 
But, considering the impending intrusion of outsiders into the idyllic Awdawm society, God only knew how that one lovely sentence numbered the days of the Awdawm.

Do the math.
Naked Awdawm + Clothed Explorers/Missionaries = Problems2
I guess God did do the math. He knew that, "it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” (NASB)
Maybe God made sure Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah were ready for the serpent just in time. Who knows what they talked about the whole time God was walking in the garden with the naked Awdawm before the serpent made the scene?
With three you get politics, and the serpent will complete two triangles with one seduction...

...Next Saturday: Innocence Shamed

Until then, ask yourself; what was the tree of life when the man and the woman were still in the garden?

Peace Out y’all

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