Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rule Of Law: a Quizzical Survey

Here's an opportunity for you to test your knowledge of that vaunted concept we call "rule of law," and the History that shaped it. 

It's really just a survey, but once you're finished, I'm going to tell you how to grade it anyway (I promise I won't record your scores and turn them into St. Peter at the end of the semester).

Six multiple choice items -- Go

1.         The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1865 because of
A.    Slavery
B.    Black people
C.    White people
D.    Harriett Tubman

2.         The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1868 because of
A.    Abortion
B.    Black People
C.    White People
D.    Wanda Rushing

3.         The 15th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1870 because of
A.    Russian interference with US elections
B.    Black People
C.    White People
D.    Lymus Wallace

4.         Congress ordered the KKK hearings because of
A.    Poor crop yields
B.    Black people
C.    White people
D.    Bob Church

5.         We had Jim Crow laws because of
A.    A shortage of bird feeders
B.    Black people
C.    White people
D.    Rosa Parks

6.         The US has more black prisoners than other countries have prisoners because of
A.    Drugs
B.    Black people
C.    White people
D.    Kalief Browder

Grading Guide
Come on y’all, it’s multiple choice. Don’t you know the answer is always -- SEE?
If you did answer C, there’s a good chance you can develop an honest, educated Historical perspective that will actually come in handy as the World moves ahead -- which it’s going to do with or without you.
If you answered A or D, you are either a smart ass, or someone taught you a lot of wrong things. Good news: this blog can help you with that.
If you answered B, I don’t have time for your cracker ass unless you change your attitude. How’s that for separate and equal -- BEOTCH?

Now for the Shelby County Bonus Question:
Memphis is the black half of a segregated county because of
A.    The appeal of double taxation
B.    Black people
C.    White people
D.    The Memphis 13

So, how’d you do? Do you think you’re ready to learn our History, and learn to share our History?

Feel free to share your grades and discuss your answers in the comments section or on Facebook, and I’ll do my best to respond to your questions, if not right away, then in future posts.
A question for you:
The paradigm is shifting, and the narrative is being rewritten. My question to you is, are we going to participate in writing this new, shared History, or would we rather be written out of it?

Peace Y'all

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