Saturday, September 30, 2017

Innocence Shamed

If ignorance is bliss and innocence is blind then the Awdawm were Paradise.

*Text box mine

They, the blissful innocent Awdawm in their garden were the Tree of Life. Of course, ignorance is easily cured, and once their eyes are opened, the innocent die.

It is a miracle that this primordial breed of mankind would survive at all, if only through two curious scraps of memory who engaged a stranger in a conversation that centered around the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil:

Friday, September 29, 2017

After Afterthought

When a god, in this case Zeus himself, presents a gift, there are two considerations that should be taken into account. Epimetheus only accounted for one; that refusing a gift is the same as declaring war.

What he didn’t consider was that the gift was his to keep.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Where Afterthought Begins

There was a man, Epimetheus. His name means afterthought. He lived in the regions around Thessaly (he could see Mt Olympus from his house) thousands of years after the serpent seduced Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah. He was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene, and lived to see the dawn of the Greek Bronze Age.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah

If you don't read the video, the rest of the post won't make a lot of sense, so enjoy.

Why would God set him up that way? Why would God plant temptation in His own garden just so He could tell the man not to give into it? If that isn't diabolical, what is?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Seven Days In Reverse

Genesis 1:1 - 2:4

The Biblical seven day account of creation is an allegory, a mnemonic for a people just beginning to preserve their collective memory by way of worshiping their One Supreme God. The symbolic days represent the millions of centuries that passed before our memory was born. 

They, the people of Abraham, would tell and retell this and other stories for thousands of years, both before and after they developed the ability to write it down.

Does it astound you that the Hebrews' collective memory stretches back into everyone else's prehistory? It does me.

The Bible starts with the first day; let's call it "Sunday." I'm going to start with the seventh day, "Saturday," and work backwards. After that, you can look at the chart I made to compare the Bible to Science.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


No Preaching, Just the Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God… …and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”   John 
I believe the Bible, God guys not so much.

I believe the Bible is filled with legend, allegory and myth. Those are beautiful things, and they don’t make the Bible a pack of lies. These methods of telling stories, of giving account of ourselves, are the cradles of our most original ideas and cherished truths. That’s what I believe.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

An Invitation

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I mean sure, rules are rules, and there are few rules we hold higher than those contained in our Constitution. We’ve proven over and over that the Constitution is worth dying for, but how closely do we hold the ideals it protects? Are they worth living for?