Saturday, October 7, 2017

Adam and Eve vs The Real World

Smirk if you remember thinking you couldn’t wait till you got to be a grown up.

“Grown ups can do anything they want.”

How could we know things eight-year-olds should barely have to imagine?

Life’s a real Godsmack, right?

Godsmack -- I wouldn’t even use the word if it didn’t give me a chance to be contrary. God’s not smacking anybody. We keep smacking into Him.

Life’s a real reality check, right?

That’s what Awdawm-ish and Awdawm-ishah got when they found out their sin came with its own punishments.

A little knowledge being a dangerous thing, they knew too much. They had eaten the fruit of disobedience, and added two more ideas to the Awdawm lexicon, guilt and shame.

The outcasts had developed consciences; out-evolved their own family. Anthropologically speaking, it's a common occurrence, nearly inevitable in many cases. In this case it was a matter of do or die.

In this case, the leap of social evolution prompted God's formal declaration of the eternal war we fight on the plains of the human heart. 

More on the beginning of the war next Saturday; what's important right now is that Adam and Eve, their followers, and their Children are the roots of a peace loving warrior race. Death and war in one fist, redemption and God's hand in the other.

So goes the lot of mankind and our gods. As God would say thousands of years later, he chose His people because they were just like all the other peoples.

Ish would preserve the memory of the Awdawm with his new name, Adam.

Ishah, the First Mother of the sons of God, looked to the Mother goddess, the “life giver.” She was called Eve.

During the best of times the world can be fearsome with a measure of brutal thrown in, and these were crude times. Bronze was centuries in the future, and humans were just learning how to live like civilized savages.

Necessity was their guide, fear and aggression their constant companions. Death was a permanent tenant in the places where they made their lives.

That might help explain why the parental advice God gives to Adam and Eve is cloaked in curses. Curses are more effective, especially since Mama and Daddy were the apparent reason the Sons of God lived under them.

Adam and Eve, those with them, and their descendants would need something, Someone to fear more than the world and to trust more than themselves. Good thing God went with them, and that Adam chose God as the legacy passed down to him by the vanishing Awdawm.

The god guys would have us believe that it was Eve’s own fault that being a wife and mother is so hard. It looks to me like God was just setting out the facts of her new life.

”I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth,
In pain you will bring forth children;
Yet your desire will be for your husband,
And he will rule over you.”

Tell me, what decent parent doesn’t want their daughter to know about the downsides of childbirth, that we men are barely-tamable brutes, and that love hurts?

There isn’t any great magic to the increased pain that Eve herself was in for either. Tell me, ladies and doctor people, would giving birth be more stressful in a familiar place where familiar people might sing for, or otherwise empathize with the mother; or would it be more stressful alone and in exile? Could the difference be stressful enough to multiply the pain?

God then put the man at the head of the Hebrew family. Apparently the decision to accept the serpent priest’s gift ran counter to Adam’s better judgment when the decision was all his to make and he had said yes when God had already said no.

God basically tells Adam:

“Son, since you decided it’s time for you to make your own choices, the garden will never be the same for you. It’s time for you go. It's time to plant your seed in the world.

"It's time to go fill the Earth and subdue it.

“I should warn you though, that tending an established orchard is nothing compared to starting a crop farm from the dirt up, especially since you're not going to start out with the best piece of land. And before she’s subdued, the Earth will reclaim you and generations of your sons and daughters.”

Having done His due diligence in terms of fatherly admonitions, God gave them new clothes made of animal skin to replace their sad inadequate fig leaves --

before He drove them out of the garden and blocked the way back to the Tree of Life.

The Hebrews’ first recorded animal sacrifice (another new idea for the Awdawm) was offered

by God

to His people

in the garden.

God was the first to shed blood on His holy ground.

The only way back to the Tree of Life was forward, toward Redemption, a way that would make battlefields of the serpents’ lairs (his name is legion).

That's why God went with them.

Next Saturday: Tree Serpent and the Seed of Prophesy   

The comment section is, of course, open for your opinions and questions, but here's a question for you:

What happened to the Tree of Life, and why didn't God just plant another one?

Peace Out Y'all

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